Solano County Water Agency Tenant Improvements

Office Expansion

The Solano County Water Agency Tenant Improvement project consisted of two phases. Phase 1 included the build out of a cold shell on the second floor of the current agency building. This was a design-build project consisting of offices, bathrooms, break room, conference rooms and a server room for various Solano County water municipalities. Also included was the addition of space for Solano Irrigation District. The second phase included completing a generator which was completed in Fall of 2023. Though it was substantially complete by the contractual deadline, the owner added EV charging stations and a Card Access System. This included a Prime Contract Change Order and a time extension to complete.

Client: Solano County Water Agency
Location: Vacaville, CA 95688
Delivery Method: Desgin-Bid-Build
Year Completed: 2024
Value: $5,938,000
Architect: Brereton Architects